78 Great Northern Hwy, Midland, WA, 6056               Ph: (08) 9250 3682               Shop Hours:   10am   >>   6pm






Grassy leaved plants from the summer rainfall regions of southern Africa. Bearing arching spikes of pendant bell like flowers.
Most of the commonly encountered varieties, D. pulcherrimum types, thrive in regions with cool summers and well drained acid soil but are very tolerant of less than ideal garden conditions. Some species would seem less adaptable or at least more difficult to flower (I'm looking at you D. luteo-albidum). After transplanting they usually take a full cycle of seasons, or two, to settle in and flower well and should then be left undisturbed for many years. Terrible in pots, possibly because of the increased root temperature.

Their graceful form and coincidental flowering period makes them a natural choice for planting with Kniphofia for a wide range of intriguing colour combinations.